There are three ways to become a member of Red River Cowboy Church:

    • By statement of faith:

This means that you have accepted Christ and been biblically baptized by immersion (i.e. dunked), but are unable to acquire a letter of church membership from another church. In this case, we will simply accept your word that you are a baptized believer and add you to our membership.

    • By letter:

This means that you have accepted Christ, been biblically baptized, and are a member of another church. In such a case, you may request that RRCC write to your previous church and request that they transfer your church membership to us.

    • By baptism:

This means that you have accepted Christ as your savior and desire to be baptized. Because deciding to follow Christ is such a significant decision, RRCC does not believe that any person can make this choice for another. For this reason, RRCC does NOT accept infant baptism.

Once you’ve made the decision to become a member of Red River Cowboy Church, simply fill out the blue sheet on the back table and place it in the offering bucket. We’ll take it from there!